日本語は英語に続きます。Disclosure: Fujifilm Corporation provided me with a loaner camera and an assignment to make photographs with the camera. They did not ask me to write a review or an endorsement or pay me for one. All opinions are my own.
In March of 2015, a Wall Street trader suffering from burnout and wanting more in life hopped on a plane and flew to New Mexico to partake in a life-changing photography workshop. There he met photographers Sam Abell and Arthur Meyerson, who encouraged him to pursue a photographic life.
That trader-turned-photographer has gone on to build an international career in art and editorial photography, with museum and gallery exhibitions and articles in well-known magazines and newspapers around the world. I am that photographer.
At my workshop with Sam Abell ten years ago, the course assistant Jeremy Wade Shockley was the proud owner of a retro-looking digital camera that was the envy of everyone attending the class. It looked and felt different in one’s hands, and the 35mm equivalent focal length and beautiful color rendering were also alluring.
Later that spring I traveled back to my birthplace, Japan, to experience the country from the eyes of a photographer for the first time. When I landed in Tokyo I went to a store and picked up the X100T, the latest model of the camera that Jeremy had shown me. By the end of my month in Japan, with my primary camera in the repair shop for two weeks due to a slip off the shoulder of my slick rain jacket, this little camera had usurped the other to become my primary tool - my go-to that I could not leave home without. It went with me on road trips and flights around the world and to the supermarket and dinner with friends and everywhere in between.
And from the T to the F and then to the V, some version of this camera has been with me whenever I have walked out the door. Last year, Fujifilm entrusted me with helping to launch the VI - something I never could have anticipated back in 2015. I mentioned at that time to the wonderful engineers who make the camera, that if I could only pick one camera to photograph with the rest of my life, it would be this one. It is the most “me” in terms of aesthetic and vision and soul. But I would be lying if I said I didn’t also feel as though I had explored almost every avenue I could with this camera. I can consistently make the photos that I want to with it, but it is becoming more difficult to feel like I am trying, failing and learning at new things, and growing as a photographer.
In 2019, I acquired a medium format (6x7) rangefinder film camera for precisely this reason - to venture out of my comfort zone and to open new possibilities for my vision. Three weeks ago, I was offered the opportunity to try out a new, fixed-lens digital camera, the GFX100RF, which would purportedly be a digital version of that camera and offer new possibilities to photographers who seek wider angle lenses and closer approaches to their subjects.
After three weeks with this camera, I must state for the record that the camera is not perfect - there are some things I wish for - better low-light performance, via a slightly brighter lens or IBIS so that I could still have in-focus pictures at 3200 ISO or lower on dark, overcast days when handholding at 1/15th or even 1/30th of a second, for example - something I would habitually do with the X100 series, but with the larger body and sensor on this camera, I need 1/60th to keep the finest details sharp. Up until the X100V, I never needed IBIS, though, so perhaps what this says to me is that I need to improve and be better with this camera - be more steady, more within myself as I photograph. In spite of my wish list, I believe this to be the best camera I have ever used.
I must also clarify that it is not a camera for beginners. But having put in a decade of work and hundreds of thousands of clicks of the shutter, I am ready for this camera to take me to new places in my photography. I see differently with this camera in hand - photographs that I had never thought to compose before pop in my head as I walk with it - like a street scene that would be incredible in 65x24 panoramic format or a frosty forest setting that would be great as a square, or an architectural study in 6x7. It is true that all these formats could be achieved by using a GFX100 and then cropping after the fact - but it is completely different to see it in the field and compose for it, and to be able to do so using a simple analogue dial. And the lens, when conditions are right, is fantastic. The camera feels right to hold and looks great on my desk when I come home. It is discreet and remarkably compact. And the pictures that come out of it - even the JPEGs - are simply incredible. I feel fortunate to have spent a truly memorable First Ten Years in photography with my X100 cameras, and I cannot wait to spend the Next Ten Years with the GFX100RF.
Below are sample images: JPEG out of camera, with slight global adjustments for exposure, etc., 65x24 aspect ratio.

2019年、まさにこの理由から、中判(6x7)レンジファインダー式フィルムカメラを手に入れました。自分の快適ゾーンから抜け出し、自分のビジョンに新たな可能性を開拓するためです。3週間前、そのカメラのデジタル版とも言える、広角レンズで被写体に近づきたいと思う写真家に新たな可能性を提供する、新しい固定レンズ式デジタルカメラ、GFX100RF を試す機会をいただきました。