萩の色褪せぬ魅力: ワークショップ&写真展
The Enduring Allure of Hagi: A Photography Workshop and Exhibition
主催: Nobechi Creative
協賛: 富士フイルム株式会社
後援: 萩市
講師: 野辺地ジョージ
特別アドバイザー: サム・エイベル
Production: Nobechi Creative
Special Sponsor: FUJIFILM COrporation
With Support from: the City of Hagi
Instructor: George Nobechi
Special Advisor: Sam Abell
ワークショップ日程:2024年8月24日・25日 / 写真展2024年11月2日~12月1日
Workshop Dates: 8/24~25/2024 / Exhibition Dates: 11/2~12/1/2024

2017年、Nobechi Creative はエイベルの作品展を企画し、 新築の明倫学舎で「萩、1980」を開催した。エイベルは自身の作品についてプレゼンテーションを行い、11月の萩時代まつりを中心とした、地元萩と海外の写真家が参加するワークショップが開催された。
2019年、エイベルと野辺地は、稚内から始まり萩に至る3人の写真家による日本縦断撮影旅行の一環として、アメリカ人写真家アーサー・マイヤーソンとともに萩を再び訪れた。 その年の暮れ、Nobechi Creative は明倫学舎で2回目の展覧会「萩:過去と今」をプロデュースし、1980年の写真に加えてエイベルと野辺地による2016年、2017年、2019年の写真を展示した。
2023年、富士フイルム株式会社のデジタルカメラFUJIFILM X100VIの発売を記念して、エイベル、野辺地、そして撮影クルーが萩に戻り、エイベルと萩とのつながり、そしてエイベルが教える撮影方法「Compose &Wait」(構図を決めて待つ)について語るビデオ「Timeless Value」を制作した。彼の手法は、このワークショップの中軸となる要素のひとつである。
9:00~10:30 萩市 明倫学舎:「構図を決めて待つ」方法と写真の重要な要素レクチャー - 野辺地ジョージ
11:00~12:30 萩城下町フォトウォーク
12:30~13:30 昼食: レストラン未定
14:00~15:15 旧湯川家屋敷撮影
15:30~17:30 指月公園と菊ヶ浜撮影
17:30~18:30 休憩
19:00~20:30 夕食
6:00~7:30 萩城下町フォトウォーク
7:30~9:00 休憩
9:30~11:00 萩シーマート撮影
11:00~12:00 萩シーマートにて昼食
12:30~14:30 明倫学舎にてレッスン&フィードバック
15:00~16:00 大照院撮影
16:30~17:30 平安古鍵曲がり撮影
17:30 お別れ・解散
2024年11月2日~12月1日の期間に萩市 明倫学舎にてエイベル氏・野辺地と共にワークショップ参加者の萩の作品をまとめた写真展を開催いたします。開催される展覧会に各参加者の作品を数枚展示します。作品のセレクション及びキューレーションについてスペシャル・アドバイザーとしてリモートにてエイベル氏にもアドバイスをいただきます。
展覧会準備の流れ (多少の日程変更の可能性有り)
8月24日・25日 ワークショップにて撮影
8月26~9月3日 参加者によるセレクト→候補写真を提出(枚数は後日決定)
9月4日〜9月10日 富士フイルムと共同作業で、エイベル氏のアドバイスのもと、野辺地がセレクション及びレイアウトを決定
9月10日〜9月15日 セレクトされた画像を各参加者がプリントするためにレタッチ
11月2日 開会
12月1日 閉幕
受講料: 山口県民 10,000円+税(11,000円)/山口県民以外の方:20,000円+税(22,000円)
料金に含まれるもの: 指導料、昼食2回、夕食1回、富士フイルム提供のプリント支援、展示サポート支援が含まれます。
最新情報 Latest news 7/12:お陰様で、暫定10名となりました。1人の方は海外からのご参加を検討中ですので、キャンセル待ちの枠は一つ用意したいと思います。こちら10日以内には決まると思います。ご希望者は下記のフォームをご記入ください。Thanks to high demand, we are provisionally sold out. There is one person trying to confirm arrangements for long distance travel so will open one waitlist spot. Please fill out the form if you are interested.
Hagi, at the westernmost end of Honshu, is ideally located on a river delta formed by the Hashimoto and Matsumoto Rivers. The famed Mōri clan constructed Hagi Castle in 1604 and the town flourished. With the arrival of the Meiji Period, the castle was dismantled, but the historic streets and buildings from that time remain, untouched by war and modernization. Hagi is also the birthplace of many important figures in the formation of modern Japan, from Shoin Yoshida and his Shoka Sonjuku school to Shinsaku Takasugi, the military reformist, and the first cabinet ministers of the modern Japanese government, including Hirobumi Ito, the first Prime Minister.
Hagi-Yaki pottery is also highly-sought in tea ceremony circles throughout Japan.
National Geographic, Sam Abell and Hagi
It was this rich history, culture and geography that led National Geographic magazine to do a feature story on Hagi, sending the then young photographer Sam Abell from America to the city on assignment in 1980. Abell’s photographs made during that time have endured over the span of five decades and remain revered by fans of documentary photography to this day.
Sam Abell, George Nobechi and Hagi
In 2016, Sam Abell returned to Hagi for the first time since 1980, led by his student George Nobechi, and with Nobechi’s mother and the American photographer Skip Klein. This visit resulted in the first of several important reunions between Abell and those whom he photographed in 1980 (or their families).
In 2017, Nobechi Creative produced an exhibition of Abell’s work: “Hagi, 1980” at the newly built Meirin Gakusha. Abell gave a presentation on his work and a workshop involving local Hagi and overseas photographers took place surrounding the Hagi Jidai Matsuri festival in November.
In 2019, Abell and Nobechi returned to Hagi with American photographer Arthur Meyerson as part of their three photographer tour of Japan that began in Wakkanai and culminated in Hagi.
Later that year, Nobechi Creative produced a second exhibition at the Meirin Gakusha: “Hagi: Then and Now” - which added photographs from 2016, 2017 and 2019 by Abell and Nobechi to the 1980 original collection.
Fujifilm, Abell, Nobechi and Hagi
In 2023, to commemorate the launch of the FUJIFILM X100VI camera, Abell, Nobechi and a film crew returned to Hagi to tell the story of Abell and his connection to Hagi, as well as the method of photography that Abell teaches: “Compose and Wait.” His method will be one of the core components of this workshop.
The Workshop
The photography workshop will take place over two days: August 24th and 25th.We are considering holding a get-together in Hagi City on August 23 at 7:00 p.m., the night before the workshop start, as a meet and greet. Participation is optional and will incur a separate fee, but if you are interested in joining us, we would appreciate it if you would consider this as part of your itinerary.
8/24 (Saturday):
9am~10:30am Classroom Lecture, Meirin Gakusha: The Compose and Wait method and other key components of photography - George Nobechi
11am~12:30pm Hagi Castle Town Photo Walk
12:30pm~1:30pm Lunch: Restaurant To Be Determined
2:00pm~3:15pm Kyu-Yukawa House Photography Visit
3:30pm~5:30pm Shizuki Park and Kikugahama Beach
5:30pm~6:30pm Break
7:00pm~8:30pm Dinner
8/25 (Sunday):
6am~7:30am Hagi Castle Town Photo Walk
7:30am~9:00am Break
9:30am~11:00am Hagi Sea Mart
11:00am~12:00pm Lunch at Hagi Sea Mart
12:30pm~2:30pm Lesson and Feedback at Meirin Gakusha
3:00pm~4:00pm Daisho-in Temple
4:30pm~5:30pm Hiyako Kaimagari
5:30pm: Farewell
Contents and conditions of the special exhibition
A photo exhibition of the workshop participants' Hagi works together with Mr. Abel and Nobechi will be held at Meirin Gakusha, Hagi City, from November 2~December 1, 2024. Several photographs of each participant's work will be included in the exhibition. Mr. Abel will also be available remotely as a special advisor to help with the selection and curation of the works.
The works exhibited at the exhibition will be printed by Fujifilm. Fujifilm will support the cost of the prints.
After the exhibition, all prints will be donated to Hagi City.
In addition, only the photographs taken at the workshop may be used by Hagi City for tourism promotion purposes on social networking services, etc., with credit given to the artist's name. (The work provided will mainly, but not exclusively, be the "best work" displayed at the exhibition.) Except for promotional use by Hagi City, copyrights will remain with the artists.
Exhibition Preparation Flow
August 24-25: Photography during the workshop
August 26~September 3: Selection by participants → submission of candidate photos (number of photos to be decided at a later date)
September 4-September 10: Nobechi decides the selection and layout in collaboration with Fujifilm, with advice from Sam Abell.
September 10 - September 15: Each participant retouches selected images for printing
September 15: Submission of print-ready files
Printing process begins during September
Late October or early November Installation and set-up
November 2: Opening
December 1: Closing
Enrollment Details:
Limited to 10 participants
Tuition: Yamaguchi Prefecture Residents: ¥10,000 + tax (¥11,000) / Non-Yamaguchi Resident Participants: ¥20,000 + tax (¥22,000)
Includes: All instruction, two lunches and one dinner, printing and exhibition support courtesy of Fujifilm Corporation.
Does not include: travel to/from Hagi, hotels in Hagi, transportation cost within Hagi (rental car, taxi, rental bicycle, etc), insurance.
Leftover funds after expenses are paid will be donated to the One-Coin Foundation of Hagi, which preserves historic artifacts.
To reserve your spot (first come, first-served), fill out the form below and payment details will be sent to you.
Questions: please email info@nobechicreative.com
最新情報 Latest news 7/12:お陰様で、暫定10名となりました。1人の方は海外からのご参加を検討中ですので、キャンセル待ちの枠は一つ用意したいと思います。こちら10日以内には決まると思います。ご希望者は下記のフォームをご記入ください。Thanks to high demand, we are provisionally sold out. There is one person trying to confirm arrangements for long distance travel so will open one waitlist spot. Please fill out the form if you are interested.