SUNday Night Is Photo Night (In the Americas)

A “Gather Around the Campfire” Style Course with George Nobechi


This course is designed for people who have work/kids/grandkids/life-in-general that keep them busy most of the week, but have always wanted to take photography lessons. Topics include understanding light, composition and framing, moments, people, still lifes, travel, family and pet portraiture, etc.—all topics that are helpful for photographing your daily life.

At the end of the course you will have a solid understanding of how to make good photographs of your travels, excursions, family, pets, meals and everyday lives.

Lessons will take place on Sundays between 8:00PM~9:00PM EDT via Zoom. Video recordings will be provided if you miss any lessons, and will be available for you to go back and watch at any time.

Each lesson will use examples to illustrate concepts, and then we will look at a selection of your work. This class will not be an intensive when it comes to critiques.  Weekly assignments will be given out that will focus on quality over quantity. A final slideshow of student work will be put together before the final session and shared on the last evening.

The class is designed for you to grab a glass of wine and tune in, in a “family-style” setting. Partners/friends sharing the same screen are welcome to partake as well for 50% off.

Lesson Topics

Lesson One: What Makes for a Good Photograph?

Lesson Two: Understanding Light

Lesson Three: Composition and Framing

Lesson Four: Decisive Moments

Lesson Five: People, Family and Pets

Lesson Six: Still Lifes (Food/Flowers)

Lesson Seven: Travel/Excursion Photography

Lesson Eight: Wrap-Up Party, Slideshow and Final Q&A


A detailed syllabus will be provided before the class begins.

Class level: This class is suitable for all levels of photographers, although professional photographers should know that this class is not an intensive and not designed to push your work to greater heights.

Required equipment:

  • Camera (iPhone, Android, SLR, Mirrorless, Film Camera- provided you can send scanned digital files for homework submissions)

  • Computer/Tablet

  • Zoom Account (free account level is sufficient)

  • Internet Connection

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