Kit Nagamura: Synchronistic Seeing: How to tap into the harmony of Haiku and Photography - October 2024

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Kit Nagamura: Synchronistic Seeing: How to tap into the harmony of Haiku and Photography - October 2024

from $750.00

Instructor: Kit Nagamura
Labor Day Special - $750 until September 10th
Regular Price - $950 (Japan residents add 10% consumption tax)

Class length: Six sessions - The six 100 minutes classes will run at 7 pm CDT and will be conducted via Zoom

Class level: This class is intended for intermediate and advanced photographers.

Please read the terms of service, which includes the refund policy. Purchasing this product signifies your consent to these terms. All cancellations will have a minimum of 5% (or $25 if class cost is low) of the total cost, whichever is higher. Please write to with any questions.


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