Brett Erickson: A + B = C: A New Language Of Powerful VIisual Meaning- October 2024

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Church, Colorado.jpg

Brett Erickson: A + B = C: A New Language Of Powerful VIisual Meaning- October 2024

from $1,295.00

Instructor: Brett L. Erickson
Price: $1,295 USD (+10% for Japan residents)

Class Details: 5 Sessions - From October 6th to November 3rd 2024
This course will be conducted live on Zoom across 5 Sundays as follows:

Lesson One: The Kuleshov Dilemma

Lesson Two: A and the Primary

Lesson Three: B and the Secondary

Lesson Four:  The Combination

Lesson Five: Gestalt, Pathway and Meaning

All classes will run from 6 pm ~8:00 pm CDT

Class level: For intermediate to advanced photographers. Students should have a good understanding of their cameras and how to prepare images for feedback sessions as technical settings are not taught in this class.

Please read the terms of service, which include the refund policy. Purchasing this product signifies your consent to these terms. All cancellations will have a minimum of 5% (or $25 if class cost is low) of the total cost, whichever is higher. Please write to with any questions.


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