online Master class Level ONE

with Greg Gorman


Join legendary photographer Greg Gorman for his first ever online master class, which promises to be almost as deep an experience as learning from the master himself in one of his acclaimed in-person workshops. This class has been custom designed to incorporate the best aspects of Greg’s workshops for an online setting and promises to be intimate, dynamic and challenging.

Participants will not only learn from Greg’s incredible experience and expertise, but they will also have a chance to receive crucial feedback from Greg on their work.

There will even be a special live demo session set up with a top model and hair/make-up as well as an opportunity for an additional one-on-one session with Greg for a nominal extra fee (only available to students who take the master class).


5 sessions live on Zoom:

1) Portraiture/Figure Studies - Looking at examples from Greg’s work and citing numerous case studies and Greg’s masterful techniques, students will learn how to make stronger portraits and figure studies, including nudes.

2) Review of Student Work - Greg will review every participant’s portfolio of images (from virtually any genre) and give constructive feedback on his/her work.

3) Live Lighting and Portrait Demo - Top talents will be brought in while Greg demonstrates his signature lighting techniques for portraiture and answers any questions you may have. You do not need to own lights at home. Take copious amounts of notes and ask all the questions you’ve wanted to ask. An assignment will be given at the end of this class.

4) The “Before and After” Photo Career Class (Steps from editing to career building) - In this comprehensive class Greg will demonstrate his editing and post-processing techniques as well as discuss the ways to put together a strong portfolio and body of work and further your career, be it through books, projects or other processes. This monster class covers working with printers, mounting a gallery exhibition, building a book project, promotion and PR.

5) Review of Workshop Photographs and Final Q&A - In this final class Greg will look through the images you made for assignments issued during the workshop and offer additional tips and advice. There will be a final wrap-up and opportunity for Q&A.

There will be an additional add-on option for a private, one-on-one one-hour consultation and feedback session with Greg for the special price of $150. This consultation is only available to participants in the master class.

This master class is limited to twelve participants. All sessions will be recorded and a private video link will be provided for you to view at any time.


Class level: Participants should have a strong fundamental knowledge of photography and have a body of work to show during the portfolio feedback and advice session.

Required Equipment:

  • Zoom account (free account level will suffice:

  • Internet connection and device (computer, laptop, tablet)

  • Camera (for assignments)

  • Images from past work for feedback from Greg.

Maximum class size: 12 students




“Thanks for this, Greg and George! Fantastic virtual experience.”


“While I admit I was a bit wary of a virtual lighting class, the course exceeded my expectations. From seeing Greg’s work and then seeing him at work in the studio to the student image reviews I was blown away. Greg’s teaching style made the complex very easy to understand and his thoroughness in answering questions was very helpful. I absolutely enjoyed the class and learning from Greg as well as from the other students in the course. All in all it was a transformative and fantastic experience.”
